The Great Gundam Project

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The Great Gundam Project is a weekly podcast, where Em and Jackson watch two episodes a Gundam a week until people can understand each other or the asteroid falls… whichever comes first. 

It is our premium podcast, accessible to all patreon backers of $1+ a month. Going for two years now, it's been a fun journey and we'd love to have you along for the ride!

If you’re new to Gundam or the podcast, you’ll find the first season for free here, or on iTunes or RSS and get the first 21 episodes!

Including full summaries of every episode as we go deeper and deeper into expanded class consciousness, Gundam is a journey through time and space. Also we talk about any other anime that might have happened, the full list of which you can find here!

It's time to go to space. It’s time to see the tears of time.

Enter The Great Gundam Project Here!


The Great Gundam Project is a patreon exclusive cast, but we will be releasing the first episode of every new season for free, to give people a taste of what the show is like, and to give people more opportunities to come aboard our journey through the world of of big robots and sad teens.